RANT, RANT, RANT. And Rainy Days (:

About half an hour ago, my best friend boarded a flight to England. I honestly did not want her to go ): She's going for five weeks, and seriously, I am going to miss her so badly. She doesn't know if she's going to be able to get internet access so I'm not even sure if i'll be able to talk to her ):
Seriously! What will I do without her? I love my Catty, and I'm going to be like a lost little puppy without her...
Not really. But still, I've got nobody to text anymore. Any Australians on Virgin out there? Haha, just kidding. Really, I hope she gets there safely and doesn't die or anything. That would suck.

You know what else is pissing me off? The fact that i am STILL getting called 'Ranga'. I am not f*cking ranga anymore! I am naturally blonde, and dyed my hair orange (Yeah. I know. Bad idea -.-) two years ago. With wash out dye. My hair is kind of like... Well, it's hard to explain. I've got brown re-growth, then a REALLY blonde bit, then it sort of goes a strange light strawberry blonde (which, just by the way, is WAY closer to blonde) colour. It's getting lighter every day, but I still fume every time I get called Ranga. Honestly! I Just need a little help. Apart from hairdye, does anyone have good ways to lighten the hair? I'll seriously thankful (:

It is SO cold. I'm sick of this bloody rain ): It is 13 degrees celcius (about 55 F i'm correct /:) and it's raining. I don't have a drier, right, and i've also got a MASSIVE pile of washing to do. I'm running out of underwear -.-
But on the upside, apart from these little hitches, I really do love the rain (: In fact, I really wouldn't mind going outside and running around in it... buuuuuuut, seeing as I have no more clean, dry pants left, I won't bother (:

I hope everyone is having/has had/will have a nice day (:

Lots Of Lust
Milly x

# Beth I hear you calling, but I can't come home right now.
July 8th, 2010 at 07:14am