Packing, packing, packing, hoping, whoring, playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and packing...

Yes, all that and more.

I am packing because in just a couple of days I will be off! Not forever, god no. I'm going upstate for about a week. Way back in April I applied to this summer writing program at a college, and I found out maybe a month later that I was accepted.


...Basically, yeah. Anyways, my momma is driving my sister and I upstate tomorrow, and while I'm at school, she and my sister are going on a college tour. AY EMME SU ASSITED. (Yes, I am so excited.)

I'm hoping that next week will be all that I've expected it to be. I also have some good feelings about the people I'll meet there *coughcoughGUYScoughcough*. Yes, I tend to be rather unpopular with the male race for whatever reason it may be.

Perhaps it's because I've grown up, quite literally, surrounded by women and girls. I had a dad, sure, but he worked in the city five days a week--gone by the time I woke up, home after I'd fallen asleep. And, well, he doesn't exactly live with us anymore, so I don't see him as much. Anyways, even the pets were girls--the family cat, Sweetcakes (RIP), and our puppy, Molly. Not so much of a puppy anymore, the old lub. But I love her still.

WHOA! Way to get off-topic. My whole point was that I was hoping to meet some really amazing people and make lasting friendships and all that and hopefully--HOPEFULLY!--find a boy. [Insert winky emoticon here.]

Some random, off-topic, mid-entry shameless whoring for ya:
The Days Go By (one-shot)
Untitled (incomplete)
Call Me Crazy (incomplete)
Highway to Hell (ten-shot)
Speck in the Sky (one-shot)
Letters to No One (ten-shot)
Dead or Alive (one-shot)
Yeah, so that's my entire Mibba library up there thus far. You can read any one of those if you like or if you're bored and need something to do for a couple of hours, go ahead and read 'em all. Or none. None is cool too. I've grown rather fond of Highway to Hell and Speck in the Sky, myself, but I dislike The Days Go By. Dead or Alive is my newest story and thus needs some love. And Letters to No One is just silly. Anyways. Choose one or two or three or four or five or six or all or none.

In other news, I've downloaded the emulation of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time onto my computer. If you're not a total computer nerd and you don't know what an emulation is, it's sort of like a substitute for gaming systems that you can download onto your computer and stuff. At least, that's how I know it as. I'm really not entirely sure. I just ask my sister's boyfriend who's a total techie nerd for all my computer help. Sooo yeah, I've been playing that non-stop basically since I downloaded it... two days ago... o_O

You know what's funny? I kinda like packing. I mean, I hate folding clothes, I hate putting things away, I hate organizing stuff, and yet... I enjoy packing. Crazy, right? My mom keeps nagging my sister and I to finish packing our stuff already, but for that reason, I don't think she needs to worry about a thing.

...Plus, I had a nightmare the other day that I didn't finish packing and then I left all my stuff at home and we went upstate and I had nothing. It was also a rather humorous dream, considering the other people who were attending the summer "camp". xD

Sorry, kiddies. You had to have been there.

Anyways. Some happy questions for you.
1. Your summer so far. DESCRIBE IT. IN DETAIL. (Er... maybe not.)
2. Whatcha planning? Anything fun? Vacations? Huh? Huh? HUH?
3. What's the best Legend of Zelda game?
4. Will you read one of my stories pleasepleaseplease and maybe comment?
5. Would you like to shamelessly whore any of your stories? I don't mind, I really don't.

July 9th, 2010 at 04:04am