People That Can't Spell.

You know what really gets on my nerves? Idiots that can’t tell the difference between your and you’re, and idiots that can’t tell the difference between they’re, their, and there. I can understand if you’re dyslexic, or if you have any kind of mental or reading impairment, but when you’re a moderately intelligent person who shows no signs of dyslexia or any kind of impairment, and you can’t get these things right, even after years of it being hammered in at school, you’re just lazy.
We all make mistakes when we write, even me, but it gets extremely annoying after a while when people constantly say stuff like “I’m you’re boyfriend,”, “Their over they’re!”, and “Your dumb.” Is our country really so laid back and lazy that we can’t teach stuff as basic as this anymore? I don’t demand that every single man woman and child to type casually like they’d type their college report, but is it too much to ask for every other person I talk to, to NOT sound like a moron?
In fact, while I’m on this subject, how about spelling in general? I’ve seen so many people spell even the most simple of words blatantly wrong. Again, preexisting problems like dyslexia and so forth are understandable, but the common man should be able to spell REASONABLY well, shouldn’t he? I’ve seen people say no instead of know, dum instead of dumb, toll instead of tool, and more. Really? Dum instead of dumb? That’s a mistake I rectified in the SECOND GRADE. So, you’re telling me that some grown adults today have the spelling ability that I had when I was 7 years old? Either I was a damn genius or most people in the modern world are lazy, and I’m leaning towards the latter.
You know what my favorite part is, though? Stupid ingrates that actually have the balls to proclaim that they’re intellectuals and that they’re smarter than the average man, all while their grammar and spelling are equivalent to that of a damn first grader. It’s embarrassing how some people can just be so impossibly ignorant.
Also, what the hell is with people who are PROUD of being illiterate? I mean, if you don’t like to read then okay, but some people actually proudly say, “Books?! Who the hell needs books?! I don’t read them dumb books!”. I mean come on, really?
July 9th, 2010 at 04:16am