I find great annoyance from little things.

1. I get really, unnecessarily ticked when I hear continuous noise. Like if someone's clearing their throat or what's worse, making those weird snot noises during class continuously, I start to get extremely irritated to the point where I can't work anymore. It's crazy. Today, my sister was dragging the trashcan across the kitchen floor for awhile, making that dragging noise and somehow that made me so angry I had to yell at her to stop it.

2. When my friends make plans to hang out, but we're not even sure what we're gonna do. I have this problem where if nothing's planned out on what we're gonna spend the day on, I feel incomplete and unwilling to hang out. Lol, weird right? Like even if they say "Let's hang out for movies," I can't just GO to the movie theater that very day and pick out a movie from there. I need to know like at least a day ahead. Basically, I need a plan ahead in order to feel satisfied. Ya know?

Yeah, those are my two new found annoying triggers. I just realized this because I experienced both of those today. I sound like some grouchy person, huh? Haha.

Er, since everyone seems to ask questions at the end of their journals, want to answer some of mine? heh heh.

1. Any similar cases of annoyance like mine?
2. Do you have any pimple/acne problems on your face?
3. If so, have you done any treatment to make it disappear?

Thanks for reading!
July 9th, 2010 at 07:23am