Yeah So I'm Grounded...

Person: Hey what'd ya get grounded for?
Me: It's a long story...

And it is trust me! Even though I'm grounded I can apparently do what I usually do minus leaving the house/go anywhere/ have someone over so it really does suck.

And I have a boyfriend! (: He's the guy I've been chasing for a year now so I'm freaking stoked.....until he rips my heart out and decides to step on it :/
But I don't think he will (: *knocks on wood*

Today my boyfriend walked into work with a cut on his upper lip. It looked pretty bad.

Me: What'd you do?
Geoff: Oh you shoulda seen it! 10 guys jumped me and they all had knives and sh*t! Some even had guns but I killed them all with my bare fists!!!
Me: You cut yourself shaving again didn't you?
Geoff: ......yeah
July 9th, 2010 at 07:37am