Burn to xXsparkleXx

So today I was thinking about vampires, and i relised Twilight has ruined vampires. I mean, vampires used to be OUR thing (by OUR i mean goths, emos, tomboys, and people who hate the sun.) Vampires used to be tough, manly, depressing and not stupid. I used to love vampires y'know the classics such as, Draculla, Stephan (from vampire diaries), Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer, Angel from.... well Angel but now we can't like any type of vampire, because people will say "EDWARD CULLEN'S BETTER THEN ANY OF THOSE VAMPIRES!" or "JACOB BLACK SAYS VAMPIRES SUCK!" Well i have a sneaky suspicion that if Jacob Black said all to start stabbing courpses, you'd all do it! None of you girls even liked vampires until Twilight!
until then
July 9th, 2010 at 02:21pm