for the girl who knows pain of loosing the one you've loved

there is a girl who has fallen in love with a boy who has stolen everything she is
what was there to do when all you knew was him?
he talked to you the right way, made you smile, made your heart skip beats,
made your head spin, made you blush when he sang, told you he loved you
then one day you weren't enough for him, he no longer needed you to fill an empty void
he told you that he no longer those feelings for you, you weren't good enough for him
the days passed and he continued to tell you i love you, flirt with you
and yet you still fell for it
he promised you the world...but all he wanted was to use you for his amusements
leaving you you picked yourself up and glued back all the pieces that he left you with
months later he wanted you to be there when he lost his girl.
so you did....
they got together and it went back to flirting
that lead to another break up
then that lead to him wanting to be with you FINALLY
two months passed and it no longer mattered anymore,,,,,,you were nothing to him
he left you with the lies not only that he told you but made you tell....
he left you with the broken heart that you can NO longer fix,
he left you with nothing
so tell me how do you fix a pain that can never go away?

to my readears:
thanks for reading my stories...i'll up date soon....i just need sometime to gather it will take a little longer sorry my fans. thanks for the understanding
July 9th, 2010 at 11:25pm