Art and Photography for Mibba Magazine

Hey there!

Mibba Magazine is looking for mibba users to submit their artwork or photography to be featured in the Writing Prompts section of the next issue. One or two pictures are used each time in the Writing Prompts section. An example of the article is located here.

The Writing Prompts section of the magazine is a place where we give prompts to those who just seem to be stuck, suffering from writer's block, or need inspiration.

The theme for our next issue will be "Coming of Age".

So if you have any photographs, drawings or paintings that you would like to be featured with this theme, send a message to me with a link to the picture or link it in a comment on this journal.

One or two pictures will be used and full credit will be given to the user.

If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
July 10th, 2010 at 06:35am