My Dad's drug-addict girlfriend has the cutest baby ever. (And *** me your stories, answer questions.)

This isn't one of my typical journals, because I don't really have anything I want to whore out to you guys at this point. I might update Lavish Lies later today, and in that case I'll probably make another journal. You can still whore your stories out to me by leaving a comment below, and I'll take a look after I return from the gym.

Dude, so is anyone else ever surprised at what certain Mibbians actually look like? I went to look at pictures of someone who I often speak to on here, and I was very taken aback. I guess I expected her to look like her icon; I don't know. It just surprised me. Does this happen to anyone else?

On to the title of this journal- My dad's druggie girlfriend, Kim, has the cutest baby ever. His name is Cayden and he's fourteen months old. He has huge blue eyes and he's always smiling, it's adorable. He's a bit corrupt from living with Kim, though...

Words Cayden can say:
Daaaaa (Which I believe translates to 'that')
Oh shit.

See my point? He really is a sweet kid, though. Anyways.

1. Whore one of your stories to me?
2. Refer to second paragraph question, about what Mibbians actually look like.
3. Aren't babies just the cutest?
4. What are you guys doing today?
5. Oh, and out of curiosity- when comment swapping, if you find that you don't really like a story and/or it's too long for you liking, do you actually read it? I'm just curious. Admittedly, sometimes I'll get halfway through something and I'll have to stop. I comment on the part I read, maybe, but then I either put something stereo-typical or reword something from the above comments. It's very rare I do this, and I'm just wondering if you guys ever do it, too.

And with that, off to the gym! I'll come back and read all the stories you left later.
July 10th, 2010 at 06:59pm