Oh you silly unwanted people at the door :3

Just now a guy knocked on my front door with a bible in hand and a serious expression on his face. We often get people here who want to sell me something, whether it is their religion or a service. You can usually tell a sells person by the way the look, but sometimes I am fooled. Not this time though :D

My favorite way to get rid of them is to look though the window, make an exaggerated coughing gesture then point to my throat and shake my head. I usually hold up my hand in the "no stop" position as well. I find this to be a non-rude non-confrontational way of getting rid of these unwanted visitors.

So I pulled my favorite move again and...he didn't believe me! D= All of the sells people have gotten the message before without fail, but this guy just stared at me. I awkwardly closed the window and sat down. I think he's still out there =X

Ah, these crazy sells people. =|

What are your experiences with unwanted visitors? What about your favorite way to get rid of them?
July 10th, 2010 at 07:19pm