Chapter One is Up... Comment swap? (: [EDITED!!!]

Okay, so... My friend, Ari (aka Alexander Bernadotte), told me to whore out my stuff, so here it is.

Basically, I'm bribing all of you to comment my stuff by promising to comment your stuff back. Which I totally will, 'cause I'm not a doucher, and I like comments on my stuff, so it's understandable that you would want comments on your stuff, too... I have no idea what I'm talking about.

So, yeah...

Please, please, please comment Exit, Persued by a Bear. I'd really, super appreciate it. xD

And, also, if you like my stuff (or even if you don't like it), feel free to tell your friends to read it. Maybe they'll like it. (:

ALSO, I completely redid my preface, just for you guys. (You should feel loved. d:) So, check that out, and tell me what you think about it. Thanks! <3

Love and Peace,

Jessie <3
July 10th, 2010 at 10:43pm