I am tried of people talking about virginity. (I wish all of them fools were here to read it.)

I am tired of these moronic Jonas fans talking about Joe and his virginity.

Apparent he told a German mag he wasn't a virgin anymore.

Yeah cause he would tell someone that. SURE!

The there's some other chick in London saying she herd him talking about getting laid.

And I quote Via Live Journals:

“My friend met him [Joe] at a pub in London when he was visiting Nick while the USA was still in the World Cup. Him and his friends were super d-bags talking about him getting laid later that night. So much for purity rings hahaha…

But, honestly Joe refused to talk to anyone except this hot blond chick until some like ten year old spotted him and asked to take a picture with him."

Commenter elaborates:

“Well, the whole story is that they were watching the game and my friend didn’t even know it was Joe Jonas and she was one of the only americans in the bar so she went to talk to his friends because she noticed they were American. When she walked up to them some guy just looked at her, blocked Joe and said No. She was super confused and just walked away. Ten minutes later she looked over and saw that one of the girls in the bar had come to talk to them but she was like super pretty and decked out in typical London fashion but Joe talked to her and later in the evening had no trouble telling his friends “oh yeah dude that is soooo going down tonight.” My friend didn’t know it was Joe Jonas until the little kid was like OMG JOBRO! and asked to take a picture with him. Then she overheard the conversation about wanting to screw the chick and she was just completely turned off by it. However she did end up getting a picture with him anyway because well…he’s a jobro.”

Is a pub a bar in London? Why would Joe be in a bar? And why would a ten year old girl be in a bar?

Not That it doesn't happen, kids do go into bars, but still lets get real here.

Even if it was true, he wouldn't tell a German mag he lost it V-card.

And this bar pub place even if that was true he never said he was going to do anything with this chick.

“oh yeah dude that is soooo going down tonight.”

Maybe I am not into guy lingo and who the F was he talking to?

All I'm going to say is.

He's a nice guy and people don't like nice guys, and they want them to do bad things.

Altho getting laid really isn't a bad thing.

It's not crack or drinking.

And to all those people who believe this stupid ass rumor. (Even tho you can't read this.)

You're all idiots, if you believe all the rumors about the Jonas Bros.
Joe would be the father of twins.
Nick would be on crack,
and Kevin would be gayer then Lance Bass.

(I like Lance Bass just FYI.)

Just because Joe's not waring his ring doesn't mean shit, Nick hasn't worn his ring in months.

I didn't even notice Joe wasn't wearing his ring. :O i normally always notice.

I guess thats how important it is.. (Note the sarcasm there?)


He's not wearing it here, oh good god lets call the cops.
I just want to call the cops A cop lives down the street form me, he's SEXY!!


OHHH MY look at that Nick's not wearing it, on his hand or his neck. AND OH NO HE'S SITTING NEXT TO A GIRL!!!! :O

My point?

A peace of metal does not tell a person wither or not the other person is a virgin or not.

and to my real point..


Commenter Via Tumblr:
"The only reason why ANYONE would be mad at Joe for NOT being a virgin anymore is...
he didn’t have sex with them.


Agreed completely.

End of my ranting entree .
July 10th, 2010 at 11:16pm