Pardon me Dear?

I heard the most hilarious thing ever the other day! And just when I thought obsessive fans could not get any more idiotic. This is funny, and I am still laughing.
I go to the bookstore with my stepdad once every month or so. I hang around the same area; the back corner where the horror and science fiction is. There was a girl next to me as I skimmed through a zombie novel, pretty much a 28 days later knock off, and she was looking at copy of Dracula. I considered speaking to this girl about the books we were holding, seeing as I assumed she was well read because of the material she appeared interested in. But you should never assume such things, for this took a very surprising turn.
She puts the book back on the shelf and cast a glance at me. Then she gestures to the novel she just put down; which mind you is one of my all time favorites. She opens her mouth and says this: "I don't like this. I mean, when did it get published, last year? It's totally a Twilight knock off!"
I froze. I think I forgot how to move. Oh my freaking God! Are you that thick? I turn to her and I smiled though, and sighed.
"No, actually it was written over a hundred years ago by a man named Bram Stoker," I said. "If anything, Twilight, is a Dracula knock off. That is, if it wasn't insulting to the character to compare Edward Cullen to Dracula."
And I walked away. I was surprised by how civilly I handled it. Although once I was far enough away I took the entire works of H.P. Lovecraft to my head. Then I drowned my sorrows in the pages.
Oh Stephenie Meyer, what on earth have you created?
July 11th, 2010 at 01:02am