
What am I? I'm weird. I love it.
So everyone’s different, and were all put under different titles, But do the titles really fit us? I tend to notice that when you hang out with a certain group people treat you differently. If your like me and just hang with everyone your not really considered anything, until you show which group your care for more. People make fun of others for not going with the norm, but I love people who are different, because what other people call "weird" I call assume. If hanging out with the people that are "weird" is fun and I can just be me with them, than why would i want to be "normal"?Just cause some one wares black nail polish, black eye liner, or wares black, and listens to things you wouldn't doesn’t mean they get put under a certain category, And if there in that category it doesn’t mean you should make fun of them. Everyone is different and in my taste Anddy sixx is better than Drake. My REAL Friends are "Weird" so I guess I am too.
July 11th, 2010 at 04:58am