
This is what I mean. I read, play games, and watch movies for enjoyment. It's just something to do to fill my time. But sometimes there is something else. Sometimes the book, game, or movie strikes a chord that nothing before it has in my mind. In this case it was the movie The Soloist. Now there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about the movie. It's just an average movie and I will probably never watch it again but something about the concept triggered something in my mind. This time it was an image. It was my future. Not my my future as where I'll be or what I'll be doing but instead the future of my friendships. Mainly my friendship with Matt. Very rarely does someone other than family come into your life that you refuse to let go of. Some of you know what I'm talking about. You have friends but at some point you realize that while you're still friends with that person you're losing contact with them or you don't talk to them that often anymore and probably at some point it will just stop. Then you have those special people in your life where the word "friends" doesn't even seem good enough for that person. They have elevated themselves to a familylike status. These people you never stop talking to. You could go a week without out talking to them (go crazy during the entire week by the way) and when you see each other it's like you saw each other just yesterday. You would give your life for this person. Matt and I will fight and argue but in the end we will always be friends. He is part of my family and always will be.

I woke up this morning with a horrible headache that I haven't been able to shake until about 20 minutes ago. Even with the headache though I thought it was a pretty good day. I operated just fine and I got to spend some time with my mom. Things are going pretty good. There are a few things going on but it's getting better.

My writing is about to take off thanks to a new app I downloaded on my phone. It allows me to sync everything I have written on my computer, organize it, and bring it over to my phone where I can continue writing. Then I can sync it back to my computer and everything is organized again. It allows me to have little notecards and everything. I can write down ideas. The app was meant for writing, it's great. By the way, netflix is the best thing I could have done. Just saying.
July 11th, 2010 at 06:13am