We all need to be alone

It suddenly occurred to me the other day that I love to be by myself.
I love my friends, don't get me wrong. I just prefer to talk to them on Facebook or MSN. If I'm with them in person all I'm thinking about is going home.
I love being at home, and I don't even like that my family that much. When Ive been away from home (whether it be 5 minutes or a week) I get strange sense of satisfaction once I walk inside my front door.
Whats even weirder I get so psyched to go out like on Facebook I'll be all "Yay, party tonight". I'm there half an hour and I'm regretting my decision to go somewhere where I can't get home that night. I'll spend all night whinging to my friends and pining for my bed.
Solitude is my favourite thing, honestly. I like to do everything by myself, I get agitated if someone offers to walk to the supermarket with me. I don't let it show of course.
I find nothing more relaxing than being at home alone while I talk to my friends online or listening to my iPod.
Bus rides are a big thing also, catching buses with friends irritates to no end. If I can't listen to my iPod because I'm with somebody and its too impolite, I find this really annoying.
I know I sound like an anti-social bitch, I'm not really. I'm just weird.
Does anyone else feel overwhelming urges to be alone?

Title credit = We all need to alone- Kisschasy
July 11th, 2010 at 04:44pm