Unmemorable Summer

It’s going to be the fifth week into my summer vacation and I can honestly say that I haven’t made any memorable memories. My days have all gone rather quickly apart from those where the weather is unbearably hot. Southern California sucks.

Mondays and Wednesdays are the two days of the week that I look forward to. I have two water polo games on those days. I loath Tuesdays and Thursdays. Practice with Coach Adam on those two days are somewhat insane. All the swimming, dribbling the ball from one end of the pool to the other, and the egg beatering makes me want to rip out my thighs from the excruciating pain. Last Friday we had a game too, let’s just say we creamed the opposing team:) This is the last week of summer practice and season, I’m pretty excited. However, this just means that I’ll have to start jogging with one of my teammates at our local park (which, thank god, happens to be just down my street).

I haven’t even been out with my friends! All I see are my water polo teammates. I don’t even remember the last time I hung out with my bff even though we txt and chat on msn and facebook (sometimes all at the same time) every single day. My other close friend is somewhere in Boston for some dance thing. Maybe when she gets back it we’ll all get together:)
AP scores have started to come in, according to facebook. Not many have passed, or so it seems. I have yet to receive my score for AP Euro. Did any of you guys pass AP Euro? I’ll probably cry if I didn’t.

Then there’s “summer work.” Why? Why? Why? Teachers claim that it’s because there won’t be enough time in the school year to focus on it. Then why would you even consider making it a part of the lesson plan? Isn’t enough that we have to worry about how difficult are classes are going to be?

I honestly don’t know why I typed this. It feels good though, ranting about my dull summer to someone other than my friends. Haha. I’ve been meaning to meet new people during the summer, so if you’re interested, maybe we could talk some time? Cool.

July 12th, 2010 at 05:20am