I miss My Chemical Romance :(

My room is completely covered in MCR posters, my MCR action figures take pride of place on my bookshelf, my wardrobe is filled with their shirts and hoodies and all their CDs are in chronological order on my CD rack.
But My chemical Romance are nowhere to be seen.
Sure they pop every now and then with their pointless blogs and contests. But where is album number 4?
Surely it can't take this long to perfect it? They have been in the studio for ages now.
Pulling out of the Soundwave festival in Australia earlier this year was enough to make me cry. I haven't seen them live since 2007.
The only material they have released was 'desolation row', which wore off after awhile.
You never see them in magazines anymore, the last time I did was awhile back in Kerrang. It was an A-Z of MCR, which was just 26 facts about them that any dedicated fan would already know.
All I can say is hurry up MCR!!!!!

Oh and no hateful comments, lets not be immature.
July 12th, 2010 at 06:26am