These people.....

Ok so I had like a really odd day.
I don't know if you would call it bad, but it was different.

Ok so for starters, I wake up from this dream, about Joe (Jonas) being gay, he was part of this mafia called "The Loop" and went around kissing dudes..
Nothing is worse then watching Joe (Jonas) kissing a bunch of dudes, and doesn't even kiss you. (And I would like to point out I am not a dude, but still.)

I got that image stuck in my head, and it won't ever go away.

So then I am sitting in the living room watching some TV and my little sister is playing with her doll house behind me. Nothing weird about that huh? Yeah you think that.

I then here her say, "Damn you, damn you all to hell."

And I turn around to look at her, and I'm like "what did you just say?"

(It's easier this way :D)

My sister: "You just found Joe in bed with another women."

Me:" Who just found what where?"

She pulls out this butt ass ugly doll with brown hair, and says its me..

So I'm like "Ok, I found who doing what?"

And shes like "Joe, you found him in bed with another women."

And I'm like "Joe who?"
And she pulls out the Shane Gray doll, I got her for Christmas.

And I'm like "What was Joe doing in bed with this another woman?"

Shes like "You know."

I'm like "No I don't."

And she's like "Kissing and holding hands and stuff."

I was like thank god.

I then explained to her that you don't say bad words like that, and not to put Joe in beds with anyone....ever again.

So then I go over to my friend Hannah's (I talk about her a lot.) to watch Jonas.

I had her wright a scene for my story that I am doing, I'm not good at the love scenes. so she does it. Like a Co-wrighter type thing.

And she gets annoyed because I ask her to do a lot of Joe ones.

And when I told her to do a Nick one, she about fell out

She wrights it in like 5 minutes, no lie, And I'm like "whoa, your good at this.'

She said something, then I'm like "How come they don't sound this good when their about Joe?"
And she's like "Because I don't like Joe."

I let it slide till we were watching Jonas LA.

Joe just said his lines backwards and I'm like "Wow, I couldn't do that if I tried."

And she's like 'Well, Sir moron finely did something impressive."

And I'm like 'Hey, lay off Joe." I said more but hell if I could remember.

So now were not talking becouse we got into a fight over a damn Jonas Brother.

But she's rude to Joe, I don't like when people are mean to Joe.

Sure I do get annoyed with the dude, but thats only becouse He does stupid things sometimes.
She's just mean to him, I don't even know why, she just like hates him.

I don't know how she could, hes so cute.

Look at this face, how could you hate this face?

But she's in love with this face.

And granted, that is a nice face.

I understand her issue with Nick, but its a little much.

I guess I am that way with Joe.

But Joe makes me feel happy. That sounds so like....I would laugh at someone who says that. But its true, he does.
I have meat him kinda, in a meet and great.(And, he was so beyond gorgeous.)
I don't know him.
But he seems like a fun guy, like if we knew each other we'd be friends...That's kinda what happens when you know someone.

My point ,even if it seems like I don't have one.

She shouldn't be mean to Joe.

1: It pisses me off.

2: It's rude.

3:...there isn't a 3 but whatever.

This entree didn't seem to make much sense sorry.
July 12th, 2010 at 08:34am