My Summer Is Over - The Best Week of My Year

My Summer is Over
I have to start school the first week of August.
which means my summer is basically over.

I want to ask him out... but I don't know how...
I kinda blew it at camp. I mean to ask him there but I didn't want to embarrass him in front of his friends.

Camp Week
Last week was the best week of the year.

I made so many new friends.
I caught up with so many old ones.

I laughed, clapped, cheered, screamed, flirted, and Jedi/Ninja'd my way through the week.

Nine kids were baptized, six in one day.
Including my new friends Mary and Audrey.

I got to see my him.
My friend thinks he likes me. I think she's a liar.
But he was awfully nice to me when he decided not to avoid me.

I got to play my ukulele in the talent show. I messed pretty bad. My hands were shaking like crazy, but people clapped anyway.

When he got up on stage to play his banjo he mentioned the girl with the ukulele(me) and said we should jam sometime. I turned beet red.
That meant a lot to me.

Lip Sync was off the hook.
I got to carry around a giant iPhone for my team's parody version of Rockin' Robin (Using Twitter).

Camp was awesome.
July 12th, 2010 at 04:55pm