It's five in the morning.

I can't sleep. It's my best friends birthday, and I'm lying in bed thinking about Nick Jonas.

Why? I don't have a clue. Why should I love someone I've never met? Someone who doesn't even know I exist?

Because he deserves it. He didn't get where he is today over night. He didn't post videos on YouTube and accidentally get discovered. No, he worked for it. He went through so much to live his dream, as did his brothers, and you have the nerve to insult them? To try and put them down? They're not losing fans, they're losing fakes. As long as the word 'Jonas' can make someone's heart speed up, The Jonas Brothers will mean something. They'll still be amazing, and they will never fade away.

You can try to act like you know them, but you don't. They've gone through getting dropped from a record company to their hearts breaking, and they still do their best to make us smile. They're down to Earth, funny, charming, and absolutely adorable guys. Other guys their aged are going out and getting wasted or stoned, but not them. They use their money not on drinks or drugs or sluts, but they give it to charity; to people who need it. And the fact that they have (or in Kevin's case, had) purity rings just proves that they have the decency to wait for love.

Their lyrics aren't about secx and drinking, they're about real life experiences. They write from the heart.

Keep insulting them, because no matter what you say, they will always be my idols; my heroes. You will never bring them down, and I will always love them.
July 13th, 2010 at 11:33am