Do you Ever?

Do you ever get scared? Scared that you won’t wake up ? Scared you will never see those you love again? Do you ever get scared that something bad could happen? That something may not go right as you planned? Do you ever get scared? Of how life is mysterious in different ways. Or how people die so young. Do you ever get scared of what could happen to you? Are you afraid to what is coming in life. ? Are you afraid to grow up and learn you have to have responsibility’s ? Do you ever get scared of time flying by? All that fun you have when you’re a kid. The things you didn’t have to worry about in elementary school even middle school so much. Do you ever get scared that in high school you won’t fit it? Or someone will hate you? Do you ever get scared that you won’t have a decent job? Find that someone special? Well I know I get scared. I get scared at a lot of things that happen. I am scared to grow up.. I am scared to get a job. I am scared to what is coming my future is creeping up slowly but getting here faster and faster. I am scared of not waking up one day. I am scared that I don’t say I love you enough. I am scared of losing friends of family and My boyfriend. I get scared, I start to cry every night I sit here alone thinking to myself. Am I going to survive?
July 13th, 2010 at 05:10pm