My Summers/ Stupid boys from DC

You may be wondering why I posted this as My Summers yes as in plural.Well the reason is because for the last three years my summers have been the same staying at home on the computer all day doing nothing interesting because my parents are gone all day so its only me and my brother here sadly. Well this summer I am going to the challengers camp for soccer now its only a day camp and think its only for people from ashland but im not sure should be interesting and no its not ashland new hampshire it is ashland mass so ha you stupid boys in dc you got pwned. Now you may be wondering Stupid boys from dc? what is that supposed to mean? Well I went to DC with my class of the 8th grade we had to pay for ourself and the reason we had to pay for ourselfs is because we are a very poor town we paid in three segments which was about 250 each swegment. Back to the story we were going to get our DC class picture by the capital building so we were all wearing our shirts that said Ashland Middle School so some smartass boys were like 'Hey babe where you from Ashland New Hampshire?' me and my friend ignored them and kept walking so after we finished our picture (going off topic fyi) one of the boys in my grade his name is Jacob he put his hat on my hat which was on my head and I threw it off by swiping my hand over my hat and then hes like 'WTF?' and Im like 'don't put your hat on me' and then a couple days before that I was taking a picture at the FDR memorial I believe it was we were at a waterfall pool thing he put his hat by my feet kind of like he was begging for money I hit his hat away and it almost went in the pool and after he got his hat back he said to me "If my hat had go in that pool you would have been buying me a new one." I was like yeah sure and my roomates were always fighting during the trip so it was a bad trip I cried twice because I missed my mom and she had just injured herself before we left so I was worried I could only call her twice because I didnt have enough money on my phone to call her more. So I was sad about that. Any questions or comments Private Message me please.
July 14th, 2010 at 06:44pm