The Hills/Pretty Little Liars [Formspring && Aim]

The Hills- I wont spoil anything promise!

Well last night i watched the last episode ever of the hills and i have to say I was all excited and stuff to watch it but honestly wtf kind of an ending was that? -_- Arghh and i'm not even sure if the hills is real or fake anymore but i still have to say its one of my favorite shows and am really really gonna miss it. ;( ?

Pretty Little Liars- Also no spoilers I promise ;)

Kay well i know i'm kind of a day late but i just caught up with pretty little liars cause i missed like the last couple episodes watching other shows and all i have to say is WOW. The most recent episode is fricken amazing and surprisingly intense. Oh my gosh if you watch the show and you feel the need to talk about it msg me cause i'm like dying to talk about it with someone. Loving this show<3|

And i just found out 'Teen Mom' is coming back next Tuesday on mtv and i'm like dying inside of excitement xD I think Catelynn and Tyler are soo cute together. (Y)

Sorry, i felt the need to talk about all that stuff. Gosh I sound like I watch TV all day =/ I don't though i swear!

Moving along... I recently got Formspring and Aim so if you have questions feel free and ask away.[ ]

Aim= *LittleThought212* Add me If you'd like =D

Well thats about it. Leave your thoughts in the comments! :)
July 14th, 2010 at 11:17pm