Another Daily Journal Entry.

Hi. So I've decided what contests I'm going to pull out of. I wrote two stories in the past 24 hours, so I am doing them all pretty fast, but I thought about it and there are a few contests that I know I am just not going to be able to push through. So sorry if I joined your contest and I pull out.

Here are the stories I did write:
I'll Never Let Go - I'm actually going to make this into a full-blown story. I have tons of ideas. Please read and give me some feedback, because I'm still wavering.
Round Means Forever - It's cute. If you read, please comment, I want to know what you think.

So thanks if you read anything up there.

Mel Gibson makes me sick.

So I'm kind of half watching the news while writing this and apparently there is this new way to tell if you are overweight/obese. They finally realized that scales and measuring tapes don't tell everything. I don't know what this new method is, but once I know I will surely post journal or article on it. But I think this is great, because I am always getting told I'm too heavy for my age, but I'm full of muscle from my activities, super tall and still growing, and just thick-boned. No one ever takes this into consideration though and automatically I'm unhealthy, and I try very hard to eat well and stuff like that.

Okay well, I'm tired and bored, so I think I'm going to go do something else.

I love you, I love life, I love it all. I love being an optimist.
July 15th, 2010 at 01:13am