SLOW DOWN! take a breathe! thank God!

Have you ever taken the time to just slow down and look and the miraculous things around us. The flowers, the wind, the rain, fire, etc are examples of wonderful things. Have you ever been on top of a moutain? Did you take the time to breathe the air and look at it's beauty? We have beauty surrounding us and we don't even notice it sometimes. I can look in my yard and see so many beautiful things. I see flowers, trees, bees, squirrels, the sun, etc. It is so wonderful to take in these things. To see all these beautiful things is just a blessing. ALL of these things came from GOD. He created all of it. It is so great. I am blessed to be a Christian and to be forgiven by God's wonderful grace. He has saved me from an eternity in Hell. "Christians are not perfect, just forgiven by a God who is." -unknown. It is amazing when you can pray to God and God part the clouds right before your eyes. My friends witnessed that and I, soon will witness it :). I just wanted to say all of this as in Thanks to God. I don't want any mean comments please. I just wanted it out there so maybe you could Slow down, take a breathe and thank God for all He has done :).

July 15th, 2010 at 07:32am