Beauty Is Not About Your A**

I'm so sick of girls being verbally abused by guys.

Saying that they are ugly because they don't have an ass. Or saying they wouldn't go out with them because they're smart. You know that's such bullshit because if we were as "picky" as guys we would all be in a hole somewhere.

I'm sick of not thinking I'm beautiful because of how big i am. You know what i may not be a size 2 but I am just as beautiful as the girls that are. I have a heart. I am kind. I feel.

You know guys put us down and so do girls we are put into categories. Date able. Not Date able and Fuck able. By everyone not just guys it doesn't matter whether they are straight, bisexual, lesbian, or gay. All anyone does now adays is take something on your skin your outer appearance and if they don't like something then fuck that your out.

You know what happened to looking within and getting to know someone for who they are and what they want in life and not just basing on how big their boobs are. What is wrong with the world.

There are people who cut themselves because they think they are not good enough or not worthy enough or not beautiful enough and i really wish that people wouldn't think that as necessary.

i hate to say it because i used to be there but if you are hurting yourself because of someone else then you are giving them what they want. your letting them win. But you know what i stopped and i said fuck that and here i am a beautiful girl living life. Not letting anyone judge me or get in my way.

Because in the end the only one who's going to live for you, is you. you have to have a self understanding and feel how great it is to love yourself and not just others.

I spent years just trying to make others happy. who gives a shit about me you know i have to make this person happy. But then i realized its OK to be selfish sometimes. Its OK to want to embrace yourself instead of someone else.

I guess the point of this is is that we are all beautiful and we are all who we are and i don't think we should let anyone tell us other wise.

Never change for anyone because no one is going to change for you.
July 15th, 2010 at 07:51am