Guess What! I LOVE YOU!

Okay so its almost 2 in the morning and im very bored...sooo...I made a journal/list of things my friends have done that made me smile : D

1.Winning Free Boxes!!!
2.‘I think you guys have a “FREAKING DISORDER!”-Corey
3.‘We found, like 50 Jewish Hats in the supply closet!”-Brando
4.Talking about A7X during family time-Jake
5.We can make a Wiggles song perverted-Me and Jer
6.Drew a picture of Ester on fire, being struck by a lightening bolt, with Mark driving and everybody screaming (Ester is the CC charter bus)-Kyne
7.“I haven’t seen you in 3 seconds!!!”-Drew and Brando
8.TinyKynie!!! (I hope he doesn’t see this)
9.Jerbear or Jenny!
10.“Do you know how to spell ‘djembe’ (sounds like jimbay)? great first impression, Drew
11.“I am death, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-ZERO!”*grabs back of your neck*-Jer (he has really bony fingers and can make creepy voices, its kinda scary late at night)
12.“You wanna hear a dead baby joke?”-Kyne
13.Mark, my group leader, wouldn’t stop making fun of me and my bf, so Brandon and Drew walked past, skipping and holding hands
14.Brando, Drew, and Jer all held hands before bed
15.They are extremely over protective, but I love them
16.“We wanna see-YOUR MOM!!!”-Jer and Kyne
17.“Bet you can’t tell what I’m looking at”-Jer, no, that is not what you say after your first kiss, sorry Jerbear
18.Leaving cookies in the oven for like an hour-Nano

Okay so there are great stories behind all of these : )
July 15th, 2010 at 08:49am