When You Tell Me I'm A Wreck...Summer Solitude&&Requests

Well better late than never, no? Most kids dont want to hand it over and others can't wait to, Summer Solitude. Many kids are forced to sit through Summer school while their buddies get to kick it by the pool.

There is only one thing holding me back from handing my solitude over and thats foreign territory, high school. I'll be a freshman and frankly I'm horrified ;___; Maybe I'll be dragged into the school kicking and screaming...then again that may draw toooo much attention. There goes plan A...

All of my friends are being taken away from me. They are all going to separate places and I've known them since kinder! Now some say this is just a minor bump in the road of our friendship and others are saying this is a bittersweet begining of hardships.

Now that I know my friends are currently limited I know I need to boost my social status... Who knows what high school will bring for me? Wait! My mom does! Epic Fail. Haha just kidding. NOT! Naw I kind of am she just feels I don't apply myself enough and its true I need to change my procrastinating ways...

So the way I think about it I just got a new compostion notebook and I think I will write about my first days there and I'll make a story out of it :] Sound good? I think this is the only thing I have planned for my new hell hole oops I mean school ^.^....*rolls eyes*

Now here is my question to the people who actually read my worthless journal... How do you get past your first days or week? I need some tips people! So leave a comment & a topic that you want me to talk about & then I'll post another Journal about any topic you guys want me to discuss all good?

Forever Yours,

MadamnnnMisfortune <3

P.S I needed to share this with someone because I'm soo excited...I get to go to a Paramore concert!!! Okay so bye :]
July 15th, 2010 at 09:47am