Dear megavideo,

firstly I would like to say thankyou, thankyou for bringing me so much enjoyment in the form of new house episodes and your extensive back catalogue of criminal minds episode. thankyou for allowing me to watch movies before I new I could download them using utorrent. thankyou for being the most reliable video provider compared to toudou which is absolute SHIT.

but, why the FUCK do you have to have that 72 minute time limit, at least make it a sensible number like 90 so I can fit two whole episodes in, each time I get 30 minutes into my second episode and BANG "you have watched... please wait..." RAAAAAAAGE.
does anyone actually join mega video and pay that money? srsly!?!

and I have tried loading the video then pressing work offline but IT DOESN'T WORK!!!
ug, so here I am wating 53 minutes till I can complete my episode.
why can't supernova tube be as common as megavideo, it is sooooo much better?

anyway, enough of me ranting.

does anyone know how I can bypass the limit??????

love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu xxx
July 15th, 2010 at 04:19pm