Journal #3 (Ahhhh wtf?)

OKAY, so I just got cramp in my right foot (I think it is cramp yeah?) and MAN I HATE IT.
It is so painful and the worst thing about it is that you know it it coming, you move your foot and you get that numb feeling and you just thing "fuck, here comes some weird muscle/tendon stretching pain". Then ARRRRRGH, it actually made me say that out loud.

why does this HAPPEN?!?


I feel I should put more in this journal...
What does everyone feel about internet arguers (or keyboard warriors)? The arguments are ridiculous but also soooo tempting, I find them so interesting. Behind a keyboard people have no qualms about saying EXACTLY what they think, which is cool but also annoying.

Ach and the people who go CRAZY and call everything "bashing" srsly? are you Big Brother. You sound like my government.

Some people need to relaaaax. Go watch finding nemo or something.

July 15th, 2010 at 07:06pm