My Bucket List

I went to this very sweet seminar April '10 with all these other teens. One speaker advised to start on our 'bucket list' so we can continually add and fiddle with it, and know what we want to do/achieve/experience in our lives. so start YOURS. And I would love to read yours if you post it. Anyways, heres my beginning. And I will start crossing off what I've done!

1.Drop a coin in the Trevvy fountian
2.Ride horses on the beach
3.Fall in love
4.Smash a filing cabinet with a hammer
5.Go bungee-jumping
6.Get my palm read
7.Publish a book
8.Spend a month exploring Ireland
9.Go on a honeymoon to Greece and/or Italy
10.See the east coast sunrise
11.Eat cereal at midnight
12.Eat ice cream for breakfast
13.Try shrimp
14.Ride a train
15.Stay up for 24 hours straight
16.Change someone's life
17.Visit Canada
18.Marry the man of my dreams19.Play guitar on stage for others
20.Visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame21.Get kicked out of a store
22.Sleep on a sailboat during a beatiful night23.Go kayaking

As you can see, some are random and pointless, some may never happen... but I will dream! This list will never be finished, but I'd like to have some reason to wake up and try again every day. And if any of you know how to help on any of these, let me know. ;)
July 15th, 2010 at 07:18pm