Friends, summer, contests, and as always, questions. :]

Hello there journal lurkers. :]

I'm actually in an awesome mood for once, considering I get to hang out with one of my friends that I haven't seen in a while tomorrow. Have you ever gotten that awkward feeling when you haven't seen someone in a while, and you're just kind of confused how it's going to go? I get it all the time, and I don't like it.

So today I slept in obnoxiously late, I hate it. Then, pretty much didn't do anything at all. I feel like I'm wasting my summer away, and that's not cool. I did go to the library for about ten minutes to get a book. I had to walk, so at least I got some fresh air. :/

Still, summer is just disappearing, it's rather sad. But I've only got two more years of school left before I am out of here. Plus, this year is prom, and I have hard classes, but ones I'm actually interested in. It should generally be a decent year...

One last note, I still have contests that I'm looking for entries into. My first one is a contest involving cheesy pick-up lines which really needs entries because there aren't many. The link for it is here. The other is a songfic contest and could use a few more entries. The link for that one is right here. I'd love it if you entered either one. XD

And on that note, I shall go and watch Brokeback Mountain, since I am having an unhealthy Jake Gyllenhaal obsession at the moment.

1. Any awesome weekend plans you'd like to share?
2. How has your summer been going so far?
3. Are you looking forward to your next year of school, if you're still in school?
4. How do you feel about writing contests?
5. Favorite male or female celebrity?
July 16th, 2010 at 05:52am