Friendship ?

So I have.. well had this friends that claimed to be my "best friends". I only used to consider one of them my best friend, but not anymore. Growing up you realize that not everything is what you thought it was. I mean yeah those girls were always there but not in the hard time or the ones of need. They were only there when they wanted to go out and drink. Our routine was just to go out drink till they couldn't even walk but I was always there to sober them up and find a ride home. When they realized I got tired of the routine what they did was to just stop texting calling. They only text when they really need something or they just cant find a party. So as the good friend I thought I was, I would still find them place or parties rides anything they needed, but thinking about it IM TIRED of that. I want friends that want to do things other than drinking, I want to go out somewhere, or just a real friendship. All this made me realized that my definition of friendship was wrong. I would like to know what the definition of friendship is to others, because for them its just the person closes to them to take them somewhere, but I want to know from someone that actually has a great real friendship.
July 16th, 2010 at 11:19pm