BS Family Day.

Date: January 31st
Location: WHK High School

I got to enjoy the end of the first month of this
new year with my beloved classmates.
We call ourselves BS.

PS: No. It is not the acronym that means 'B**LS**T'.
It means something else. & it definitely is not a bad word.


It was a hot but not so sunny day.
As the sun was hiding behind the clouds,
I arrived at school, at exactly 3PM with my father.
We signed the registration and my dad left me and never came back.
How wonderful is that? Seriously, it was very wonderful.
Because, during our family days, we dont want our parents around.
they sometimes tend to be clingy and they also prevent you from being
with your friends even though you want to.
Yes, i was happy that he left me, but i also know that he had fun with his friends too.

I spent the day,with my classmates.
We sat on the grass and played "Truth or Dare".
We got to play 'Would you rather'.
We had to do a lot of crazy and embarrassing stuff yet they were still fun to do.
We roamed around, chatted and obviously, the very important
thing to do; we bought lots of food.

As the sun was setting, the program started.
Lots of games were played.
Lots of prizes were won.
Parents(those that were around) played along with their children
as they were asked to participate during games.
Sadly the sophomores lost to the freshmen numerous times
(yes, this was still during my Sophmore year. Im a Junior now).
Yet, we managed to win during the "Sack Race" and the "Palo Sebo"(its a game where, a person is to climb a pole made out of wood, and this pole is very slippery).

The bands were cool and the dance numbers were awesome.
Me and my friends ended up singing to the songs that the bands were playing.
We kept on buying stuff from the different stalls, because of boredom.
We also enjoyed the fireworks display.
It was short, but still colorful.
Time flew by and eventually by 9.30pm we had to go home.
It was tiring, but yet I enjoyed it blissfully. :D

July 17th, 2010 at 04:09pm