A Great Birthday

Date: February 19, 2010
Time: 6 pm
Location: WHK High School Campus

t'was the day before my birthday and the day
of the overnight that i had with my classmates
at school.
it was fun & very memorable.


This day was the overnight of our section, our second overnight to be exact.
I was supposed to bring a cake, because the day after, was my birthday.
Unfortunately, I clumsily left the cake inside the car, when I was dropped off at school.
Me, and my classmates Kevin and Andre(who is also my cousin) ran to stop the car,
yet, it was too late. The car drove of, and there was no cake.
Beginning the overnight, started with some Car Chasing. How fun was that?
Not very. I almost broke my ankle running(Im a clumsy person).

This day, was also the first Friday of lent, which means; ABSTINENCE.
We were not allowed to eat meat. During dinner, we had fish, salad and pancit(pasta).
Remember when I forgot my cake in the car? Well, my mother dropped off the cake while we were eating dinner. So, we had something for dessert. Horray for us!
Halfway through dinner, there was came a brownout. My classmates were screaming in shock. After that scream fest (which was just fake, because we just wanted to wake up the ghosts), we decided to head to the grass outside and stare at some stars while the lights were gone(its better to go star-gazing when lights are out).

Me and my friends, happily walked around the grassy ground and stared happily at the stars while laying on the ground.
We were able to see a shooting stars, and we were also able to identify some constellations. When the lights were back, we started with our CIRCLE OF TRUTHS. Unfortunately for me, I had to be the one to start it all, and yes, like every emotional person, I was able to cry. This game continued until it was 12MN and my classmates started singing "Happy Birthday". I didnt know that they were actually keeping a close attention to the time, so that they could greet me at exactly 12 in the morning. And for that, I was able to cry, again.

Date: February, 20, 2010
Time: 2am

Now it was time for our last and final game, Jelly Base This is a game where, there are two groups, and each group has a home base, and each of the groups will have Guards,Defenders and Offenders, The guards will guard the Base, the defenders will catch the enemy's offenders and the offenders are the ones who try to get to the base of the opponent while not getting caught. At first, it was randomly grouped, and we made our own teams, unfairly I might add.

Our team of many, against our 4 best guys, Phiel,Mo,Patrick and Gil. But later on, we decided on Boys Vs. Girls. The game went on and on until it was 4am. We were all wet with sweat and we were now tired. Some of us had slept already, because of severe tiredness(is this even a word; i dont think so, but i like it). While they were all sleeping, Me,Kate and Airra started biking, we used Julie's bike. It was fun, being able to ride a bike(at long last, after 7 years i got to bike again). Eventually, morning came. The sun was hot and we all had to clean our rooms, and by 8am we all started going home.

When I got home, all I did was unpack and then i got some sleep, coz i really didnt sleep throughout out those two days. I woke up at 3pm, and got lots of messages from m family,relatives and friends, greeting me a happy birthday, and all other stuff people say when its your birthday.

This two days, will never be forgotten. :')
July 17th, 2010 at 04:27pm