Attempt at a first attempt.

Ok, so I'm a bit of a Poet, as any of you guys that are following me will soon discover. I've posted my favorite of all the poems that I've ever written on here already, and there will be many, many, many more soon to come. Right now, I've been putting a lot of my poems to music, or trying to, rather. I'm also a guitarist, and I know a little bit of keyboard, as well.

The next poems that I post here, on Mibba, will be a series of poems, which I've been writing for one of my good friends. That's all I'm going to say about them before any of them get on here.

As one of my best friends, who I made mention of in my last journal entry, knows very well, I am also attempting to be an author. Last summer, I started writing a novel, and got around -three? maybe four or five... whatever, that's not the point.- whatever, I'll say four chapters. I got a few chapters in, before I reached a point where I was having trouble adding more to the storyline. I'm probably gonna post it up here, eventually.

That is all, for now.

July 17th, 2010 at 07:46pm