My First Bf -_-

His name was Manuel. We've been the bestest friends since we were, idk, 8 i think. We've hung and we were unseperable. I would tell my parents that I would be outside, and they would seriously not see me until my curfew which was eight.
At the time, he was great. He was sweet. He was funny. His mom didn't like me, because of my father which is a whole other story to tell. He was cute!
Anyways, when I was ten, is when things got... complicated. We started to like each other. I would try and try to get my first kiss from him, but I would always chicken out.
We were finally making our own clubhouse (AKA= his shed)
That's where I had my first kiss... I know horrible place, but trust me there's more to the story to it.
We kissed. Just a simple kiss.
But you see, we kicked out my little brother, his friend, and Manuel's twin, so we could finally get our kiss.
So when I got home, my brother's friend ratted me out, saying I was making out with Manuel.
I tried to lie, saying it was a fake kiss that we were playing "House" and I was the wife and he was the husband.
But my mom somehow got out of me.
She was soooo disappointed. I was grounded forever.
She had told me that I break up with Manuel. I didn't want to.
I went up to the guy and told him it was over and that maybe later when we're grown up we can be gf and bf.
But he didn't like it. He called me a witch. He ignored me. He made up rumors of me. And he called me every name in the book.
So I hated him. Only couple days ago, I saw him again. He tried soooo hard to get back together with me, but I just shook my head and ignored him....
I do miss him though.
July 18th, 2010 at 08:10am