Everything You Newbies Need To Know To Have An Awesome Profile

Well hello there! This is Jaquie coming to you with another tutorial like journal. In my years of being here and talking to new people, lots of them are confused on how to make their profiles look good, or don't even know how to get a layout. I will be answering those questions. By the end of this, I hope to answer all of your questions!

How to get the Layout:

This is something very easy to do, but for those who are unfamiliar with Mibba, it seems impossible at first. I will give you two ways to get to the layout page.

One: Go to the top of the page and click My Mibba, so that it takes you to your own Mibba page. Scroll down just a little bit until you reach the part in the middle of the page where it says More Links. Click on the option that says "Get Help Creating Your Profile Page".

This will lead you to a little forum like thing. Now, the contents of this page changes a lot, so I cannot give you an exact location to where the link is. What you need to look for is one that says Layout and that's it. The tab by it should be black, not orange. Click it and continue on.

Look at the first comment on there, the one posted by Dujo, our wonderful administrator. In his message, he'll tell you that you can find the layouts "on this page", and it is in blue. Click the blue letters.

Now you're where all the layouts are! :D There are around six full pages of different styles of layouts. If you want to test one out to see what it looks like, press preview. Once you find the one that you want, click Install and you have your layout!

Two: Go to the following link:


A\N: If you go to other people's profiles, you might see that the ones that some have are not ones on the layout page. Their layouts are custom made and can not be applied through Mibba.

Adding Pictures:

To add pictures to your profile, you go to My Mibba and look on the right side under "Profile". There you will find the "About" link. Click that and it will take you to your about section. This is where you write whatever you want to let other people know!

Now that you are here, open another tab on your computer and go to photobucket or another site like it. After you find a picture that you want on your profile, click on the picture. On the left side of the screen, there are many link options. Pick the one that says IMG Code. Copy that code.

After you have the code, go back to the tab with the about page. Put the link where ever you want the picture to be.

After you are finished with that, press the blue button that says Save Changes. To see your handiwork, scroll up to the top of the page and press My Profile. Tada, there your picture should be!

Adding Youtube Videos:

Follow the above directions to get to your about page.

Open Youtube up in another page. When you have found the video that you want, copy the link in the address bar. Then go back to your About.

Pick the place where you want to put the video. You're going to put down the following (Except don't add the stars):


When that is done, hit the "Save Changes" button. View your video in your profile.

Other Things Like Italics, Bold, etc.:

This works in stories, journals, poems, and your about page and is quite easy to use. Mibba actually shows you how to use them.

Go to "My Mibba" and look on the right. Go to the orange tab that says Message Board and click the link that says Signature.

A\N: The box you will see when you click is a place where you put something like "I'm Awesome" and when you comment on a story, everyone will see your signature.

Under the signature box, you will see blue lettering that says "Use BBcode to decorate your Signature". Under that is a link, click it.

It will then lead you to another forum topic where, again, Dujo is giving you options. It tells you exactly how to do everything from bold to font types.

If you have any problems understanding, comment and I will answer.

That's all I can think of at the moment, but if anyone else has any questions, ask them and I will answer to the best of my Ability. I hope that this helped the people who needed it!

July 18th, 2010 at 11:19pm