Sigh, sigh, sigh

howdy guys! (i feel real silly just thinking that word haha)

well, first of all, i just wanted to ask how everybody is. and how summer has been treating you amazing people. when you've answered question's 1 and 2, please continue. haha. okie dokie, if you readers haven't noticed, i haven't posted anything in a while. and i apologize. i'm having a bit of ghastly writer's block (i know, i know, it's horrible). my mind just hasn't been running with these stories i have up now; i'd like to do something else, ya know? in fact, i think i'm gonna take a break from my Johnny 3 Tears story (sorry Sammy), and work on something else.

in case you haven't noticed, i've begun to re-obssess with Supernatural, and more so with Dean. you guys can thank Momma Jess. i do have a short little story on him out. but i'd like to do something...more. like an actual story. i already have an idea. i just need to finish creating my little monster and unleash it upon you guys.

until then, please be keep an eye out. you never know what could be in the dark...

July 19th, 2010 at 02:46am