Inwhich: I sink to the lowest of lows and ***. Oneshot whoring. Right here. Right now.

Ohai... Did you notice that I was whoring?
Well, I'm afraid that my mibba page seems to be completely invisible to everyone.
So, I have decided to whore!
I will read oneshots only.
I'll read one of your stories and comment if you read one of my miserable excuses for short stories. (One shots.)

And now I'll just rant because I know that that will not be enough words...
I think that I might be getting sick, I've had a sore throat ever since I woke up this morning...
Great! Yet another probelem to add to the ever growing list!!!

Oh and for your stories, I don't really mind what they are, so long as they're one shots... Incase you didn't already get that...

Blah blah blah.. enough words? Yes?
Okay then!

Thankyou dolls.

edit: Here are links to the storys.
July 19th, 2010 at 11:44am