I hate the public work force

Searching for a job. It's complete and utter hell. Every place I apply to either isn't hiring, hires somebody more qualified, or just ignores my application and my calls. Each time I call I am told that I've been put on file. No. Just no. NO! What the crap man! Stop putting me on file and hire me already!
This whole job hunt has put a horrible damper on my mood. I have been unable to write, hardly able to read more than a few pages in books at a time, and just makes my day seem quite less bright no matter what I'm doing. I feel so completely worthless. I'm 17 years old, and I'm still asking my mum for rides because I don't have a car. Without a job, there is no car, and vice versa actually. How am I to get to work with no way of transporting myself there? Not like it matters, because nobody will hire me.
I don't even view my future brightly anymore. I had everything planned out, but with this mood I've slid into, everything I think of pertaining to my future is bleak.
The guy I'm with has tried hard to make me feel better about it but he makes me feel even worse. He has a fantastic car, a job that hands him more hours than I could imagine, soon going to have a place of his own, and top grades in all his classes. Sorry babe, but I don't believe that's helping when I'm stuck here being dependent on my mother and unemployed to boot.
I know that there's a lot of people who spend years job searching. I'm fighting in the middle of one of the bloodiest metaphorical battlefields I've ever set foot on. There are so many people out there, so many that are better than me, smarter. Why would any employer pick me, a 17 year old girl with no prior work experience except for a measly 3 years of Culinary school? If they'd give me a chance, I'd be the best employee they ever had! But it looks like I won't get that one chance I strive for.
July 19th, 2010 at 07:17pm