
All life must come to an end and I honestly think my time has finally arrived. People say that life is a very precious thing. I couldn't agree more. Life is so precious that it shouldn't be wasted on someone like me who always screws everything up. I can't do anything right anymore and everyone hates me. I can't do anything without hurting someone, and that's really starting to bother me. The only reason that some people like me is because I act fake so they will like me. Please don't even comment on this saying that I'm wrong becuase there must be someone who cares about me because I will tell you right now that isn't true at all. No, I don't have a family that loves and cares about me. I have a screwed up family and nobody cares about anybody else. And no, I don't even have friends who care about me either. I guess all of this is really my own fault because I'm such a miserable person that nobody wants to be around me because I would only bring them down with me. The one thing that was helping me to stay positive about life is now gone, and it will probably be gone forever. I used to be excited for what the future held in store for me, but now I know that all my dreams that I had for my future have vanished. Right now I can honestly say that I'm considering death. Only because, in my eyes, death is much more appealing than life. There isn't a reason for me to live anymore. I can't even think straight anymore and I feel like I'm just rambling now so I guess that was all I had to say.

July 20th, 2010 at 03:14am