Life is Misery

It's been a while since I updated in my Mibba and I'm probably a little sketchy with my writing. If so please forgive me. I left off saying how my life couldn't get any better then it already was and how this girl Ashley Dias had changed it for the good. Well I went along for the ride and everything has changed so far. Life is different now. It all began when I had met Jonathan Cabral. As I told you in my other journal entry i treated him like shit on occasions and sometimes would be angry with him, well everything has changed. He is now my boyfriend since September 13, 2009. I'm loving him with all my life. He has helped me out so much, more then he realizes. He is there when I'm in tears and supports everything I am doing. I also have changed his life as well. He is clean, lost weight and is working full time while going to school. My dad is some what still lightened up, but my mom is driving me nuts. For money wise and it's nothing new. I bought a new gold nissan Sentra and I am still paying that off. I am now, not friends with Ashley Dias or anyone in their group and I'm 100% fine with it. They did nothing for me anyways. I gained way to much weight and I hate it. I'm sick and tired of my body but nothing usual. Even when I was skinny I was sick and tired of my body. I lose either way. Now I just feel like shit all the time. I go to work for 32 hours and school. My feet always hurt, i can barely run anymore and I'm so out of shape. I really don't know what else to say so I'll write again in a couple of months. Enjoy!
July 21st, 2010 at 01:00am