Positives, Negatives, and Comment Swapping. (It's been awhile...)

Hello, my dear Mibba friends. It's been quite awhile since I've been on the forums, hasn't it? I'm sorry.

My life has been busy lately. I had band camp from eight in the morning until six in the afternoon last week. I was exhausted from that over the weekend, and then yesterday I had to stop by school in order to pick up my schedule for the new year. Which starts on Monday, by the way. Blah.

- As mentioned above, I got my schedule for my sophomore year yesterday. Though I only have one class with my best friend, I'm actually happy with it. I didn't get any of the horrible teachers this year. In fact, apparently most of my teachers are pretty awesome. Plus, this year I get a top locker!
- I got a new desk this weekend, which is kicka*s.
- I found time to update my story today.
- I get to go shopping for school supplies tomorrow!
- I'm taking Creative Writing as a class this year, and I'm super excited.
- Another Degrassi: The Boiling Point comes on tonight!

- School starts back next week. Blah.
- I have no clue where any of my classrooms are... They're all in such obscure places, like room 56. I know that's on the first floor. That's it.
- I have band practice tomorrow from eight to twelve. Suchhh a waste of time.

Yay for more positive than negative! In other news...

Comment Swapping.
I updated Lavish Lies today. Comment it, and I will comment the story of your choosing.

That is all. I hope you guys have an awesome day!
July 21st, 2010 at 01:06am