Very sleepy.

I'm completely and untterly wrecked. I've been travelling so much the past few days and today I came home from England on a ship. It took two hours, then I travelled home. I spent a lot of my day in the park with a friend, talking about unimportant stuff amongst eachother. I did enjoy my day but now I'm so tired, but I cannot goto sleep because I'm still unpacking and my room is a mess. It's 20 to 3am and I'm not even nearly finished. There's so much rubbish and dirty clothes. I threw my shoes out of my wadrobe earlier thinking I'd clean them all up and neaten them - but since I have done no such thing. I really should get back to cleaning.

- I really should update my stories. My problem is, I have both chapters halfway through on the Trace Cyrus story I have and the other one with Amelia & Co. I know it's horrible to say, but I have truly lost interest in both, but i do want to write them. You could say I have writers block, I know where I'm going with both stories, but just to write out some sort of events in between is hard for me as I can not concentrate very well. They do say that for writers, they should write early in the morning and late at night because your brain can only concentrate on a thing at time which would mean no distractions. I'm not a morning person and at night I'm too tired. It's impossible!

I would really love to take an English Writing course when I leave school, hopefully juggle it amongst University, where I hope to be studying Psychology or something along the Social line, which seems to be my best skill and I would really enjoy doing something along those lines. I plan on leaving Ireland, where I have lived all my life and move over to the UK (somewhere in England perhaps?) I have a fascination with their cities, they are amazing. I also love how everyone is okay to be themselves, whereas here, in Ireland it seems to be a big problem amongst everyone, they feel they all need to be like everyone else (myself included). Anyway, enough with going-on of nonsense. I shall get back to cleaning and then I can get into my bed (which I have missed so much) and sleep for as long as I can handle.

Goodnight (or good morning/evening/afternoon, your choice :) )
July 21st, 2010 at 03:50am