Rest In Peace

School ended exactly 12 hours and 35 minutes ago, school ended for me. Everyone is happy at the end of school right? wrong. Almost no one was happy. Because the 1 hour before the beginning of the last day of school, an eighth grader died. He hung himself. I'm fairly sure I know why, but I'm not telling anyone on here why. I didn't know the boy who killed himself, but several of my friends did. One of my best friends was very close to him, and I'm worried about her. I could usually see her at least twice a week, but I'm gone for the next 2 weeks. Stupid camp... I just feel like I needed to get that out of me to someone who isn't family or didn't already know.

All I can say now is:

RIP Luke.
June 9th, 2007 at 06:38am