Annoying Cliché's

Why is it that in every story there is an annoying preppy girl trying to destroy a relationship? Now I realize that, yes, there needs to be drama in order for it to be entertaining but why can't they mix it up?

She's always blond, she's always popular, she's always an idiot, she's always jealous, and she always has big fake boobs. Now as a member of the large chested community that last one really bothers me. Not all big chests are fake! And just because a girl has assets doesn't mean she's a bitch! It just means she has to live with back pain for the rest of her life!

Now don't worry I'm not saying this to anyone story in particular, and I know that not all stories have this annoying cliché (and I admit to reading stories with this and still liking them) but please, when confronted with a choice to go the easy way and just have the villain be a fake blonde large chested idiot, don't do it. Make it unexpected!

But yeah, that's my rant for now. There shall be more later, not sure what on but give me a topic and I'll discuss it!
July 21st, 2010 at 10:00am