OMG. The most amazing night of my life was when my mom surprised me with concert tickets to see none other than the most AMAZING band ever. BLACK VEIL BRIDES! Did you hear? Yes the nootorious BVB, along with Get Scared, Vampires Everywhere,and Modern Day Escape. It was amazing. And Andy Sixx touched my hand, OMG i know i sound like souch a fan girl but Woah, that was a crazy day. I love my mom so much, gah those bands are amazing. I was reaching for Nick of get scared also and he couldent reach me but he apologized and outside i got to take PICTURES. Yes i have pictures of this wonderful night. Gah, their music is fantastic, and if you do not know them, SEARCH THEM UP!!! For real.
July 21st, 2010 at 09:39pm