Dear Steven Michael Lyons...

As posted here.

No, I'm not playing an effing game with you. Has it occurred to your one-tracked player mind that I may actually have feelings for you? And, while we're still at it, that those feelings have spored and blossomed since 8th grade, only to be interrupted by a boy that broke my heart not so long ago (you saw me crying only a few days after; yes, I saw you stare straight into my dripping eyes, and at the time, you seemed a little sad)? I was convinced in those months that I'd completely gotten over you.

Not true. Definitely not true. Want to know what is true though? We share the exact same humor. That attracted me to you. Then I found out you were a sweetheart when you put your arm around me and let me snuggle into your chest when the aliens on the screen started to freak me out. You opened up about your sister's drug issues to me, you played the random question game, you enlightened me on your party boy ways, and you even called me "pretty girl" in Italian, a language which you knew when you were younger, then forgot with age. We're a pretty good match, and other people have realized it, so why haven't you?

Okay, it may have been wrong to get Caroline to pose as "Frank Wald" my friend of another friend who supposedly thinks I'm hot and wants to get with me... But you told Frank that I was pretty hot and that maybe we'd have a future, but for now, we're only playing a game because you were "running 110% in that department [girls] since summer started." You're a moron and sometimes I feel ashamed for you.

Have a nice life,
July 23rd, 2010 at 08:38am